Sumokoin (SUMO) is a fork of Monero with a high level of confidentiality on Ring Confidential Transactions (RingCT), highly resistant to blockchain analysis attacks.
News about Sumokoin
14 Jan 2018, 11:29
RT @Sumokoin_tweet: We were shouting it for days...
Seems now a second $sumo buying run is being prepared on #cryptopia. $BTC buy orders vo…
RT @Sumokoin_tweet: We were shouting it for days. Seems now a second $sumo buying run is being prepared on #cryptopia.RT @Sumokoin_tweet: We were shouting it for days...
Seems now a second $sumo buying run is being prepared on #cryptopia. $BTC buy orders vo…
13 Jan 2018, 18:31
Crossing ATH atm abt 11$ per $sumo. New exchanges announced yesterday, expecting important news early next week, 2k members on telegram, 3.2k on twitter, thousand followers on facebook and reddit.Nothing can stop $Sumo.Thank you all!
#privacy #anoncoins #cryptocurrencies #fintech
Crossing ATH atm abt 11$ per $sumo.Crossing ATH atm abt 11$ per $sumo. New exchanges announced yesterday, expecting important news early next week, 2k members on telegram, 3.2k on twitter, thousand followers on facebook and reddit.Nothing can stop $Sumo.Thank you all!
#privacy #anoncoins #cryptocurrencies #fintech
13 Jan 2018, 15:54
RT @Sumokoin_tweet: We told you to buy when $sumo was at 0.3$, we told you at 0.5$, we told you at 5$, these guys also told you
RT @Sumokoin_tweet: We told you to buy when $sumo was at 0. 3$, we told you at 0.RT @Sumokoin_tweet: We told you to buy when $sumo was at 0.3$, we told you at 0.5$, we told you at 5$, these guys also told you
12 Jan 2018, 20:15
We are happy and excited to announce that we got accepted and planned for listing by next exchange, a new exchange based in Netherlands.
$sumo $btc #nextexchange #anoncoins #cryptocurrencynews
We are happy and excited to announce that we got accepted and planned for listing by next exchange, a new exchange based in NethWe are happy and excited to announce that we got accepted and planned for listing by next exchange, a new exchange based in Netherlands. https://t.co/2QZn75u54u
$sumo $btc #nextexchange #anoncoins #cryptocurrencynews
11 Jan 2018, 08:41
RT @OddSigveTengesd: $sumo #sumokoin It's just begun, new roadmap coming very soon. The coins developers have never been late on delivery,…
RT @OddSigveTengesd: $sumo #sumokoin It's just begun, new roadmap coming very soon.RT @OddSigveTengesd: $sumo #sumokoin It's just begun, new roadmap coming very soon. The coins developers have never been late on delivery,…
11 Jan 2018, 05:15
RT @Cryptopia_NZ: Account registrations are back online.
RT @Cryptopia_NZ: Account registrations are back online.08 Jan 2018, 20:01
An updated roadmap and development path, to be released very soon, will make $SUMO stand out even more among #anoncoins. For us anonymity is an absolute term and privacy is an uncompromised necessity not a hyped feature.
$sumo $btc #privacy #anonymity #anoncoins
An updated roadmap and development path, to be released very soon, will make $SUMO stand out even more among #anoncoins.An updated roadmap and development path, to be released very soon, will make $SUMO stand out even more among #anoncoins. For us anonymity is an absolute term and privacy is an uncompromised necessity not a hyped feature.
$sumo $btc #privacy #anonymity #anoncoins
07 Jan 2018, 17:16
For anyone having issues with #Cryptopia (due to the heavy load issues they are currently experiencing) we wish to remind you that you can trade $Sumo at #livecoin exchange as well
$SUMO $BTC #Exchange #altcoins #cryptocurrencies
For anyone having issues with #Cryptopia (due to the heavy load issues they are currently experiencing) we wish to remind you thFor anyone having issues with #Cryptopia (due to the heavy load issues they are currently experiencing) we wish to remind you that you can trade $Sumo at #livecoin exchange as well https://t.co/ezbJxrzF78
$SUMO $BTC #Exchange #altcoins #cryptocurrencies
05 Jan 2018, 13:43
Official final release of $Sumo Android Wallet can be now downloaded from Google appstore
Mr Sumoshi will be posting the offi. announcement and include a link on soon,along with the release of a new UI.
SSL node list included
Official final release of $Sumo Android Wallet can be now downloaded from Google appstore. Mr Sumoshi will be posting the offi.Official final release of $Sumo Android Wallet can be now downloaded from Google appstore
Mr Sumoshi will be posting the offi. announcement and include a link on https://t.co/67ecdApBn3 soon,along with the release of a new UI.
SSL node list included
04 Jan 2018, 22:41
Final beta ver. of $Sumo android wallet can be downloaded from appstore
It is the only cryptonote android wallet supporting SSL connections.
SSL nodes:
Official appstore release in a couple of days
Final beta ver. of $Sumo android wallet can be downloaded from appstore.Final beta ver. of $Sumo android wallet can be downloaded from appstore
It is the only cryptonote android wallet supporting SSL connections.
SSL nodes: https://t.co/eKitu0910z
Official appstore release in a couple of days
04 Jan 2018, 10:17
Visit our redesigned, community run, reddit page to post your opinions, questions and catch the latest updates and trends regarding #sumokoin
$Sumo $BTC #anoncoins #cryptocurrencynews #reddit
Visit our redesigned, community run, reddit page to post your opinions, questions and catch the latest updates and trends regardVisit our redesigned, community run, reddit page to post your opinions, questions and catch the latest updates and trends regarding #sumokoin
$Sumo $BTC #anoncoins #cryptocurrencynews #reddit
04 Jan 2018, 04:48
Sumokoin: A Dark Horse in the Privacy Cryptocurrency Race
Sumokoin: A Dark Horse in the Privacy Cryptocurrency Race.Sumokoin: A Dark Horse in the Privacy Cryptocurrency Race
02 Jan 2018, 23:06
New 10 Gigabit (location Canada) remote node for android wallet connections and remote wallet connections (in order to avoid downloading and storing the entire chain) Instructions on how to connect can be found here
#sumokoin $sumo
New 10 Gigabit (location Canada) remote node 35.New 10 Gigabit (location Canada) remote node for android wallet connections and remote wallet connections (in order to avoid downloading and storing the entire chain) Instructions on how to connect can be found here https://t.co/4sB8Vt3sjn
#sumokoin $sumo
31 Dec 2017, 15:18
Latest mobile wallet release. Safe to use in full. Following releases will contain additional features and details beautification. Please report any bugs that might have been missed.
#sumokoin #btc $Sumo $btc #cryptocurrencies #privacy
Latest mobile wallet release. Safe to use in full.Latest mobile wallet release. Safe to use in full. Following releases will contain additional features and details beautification. Please report any bugs that might have been missed.
#sumokoin #btc $Sumo $btc #cryptocurrencies #privacy
29 Dec 2017, 15:00
Beta version of Sumokoin's mobile wallet for android. Please use at your own risk and with small transactions at the beginning since its still under testing before uploading to app store. For detected bugs create an issue at git.
#BTC #Sumokoin $SUMO $BTC
Beta version of Sumokoin's mobile wallet for android.Beta version of Sumokoin's mobile wallet for android. Please use at your own risk and with small transactions at the beginning since its still under testing before uploading to app store. For detected bugs create an issue at git. https://t.co/IA3XBvm9Oq
#BTC #Sumokoin $SUMO $BTC
29 Dec 2017, 07:58
#sumokoin #bitcoin #privacycoins #CryptoCurrencies $SUMO $BTC
#sumokoin #bitcoin #privacycoins #CryptoCurrencies $SUMO $BTC.https://t.co/6HDoSdJKCM
#sumokoin #bitcoin #privacycoins #CryptoCurrencies $SUMO $BTC
27 Dec 2017, 07:29
Preview of the subaddresses feature incorporated into the new GUI wallet version that will be released within the next few days
#BTC #Sumokoin $BTC $SUMO #privacy #Cryptocurrencies
Preview of the subaddresses feature incorporated into the new GUI wallet version that will be released within the next few days.Preview of the subaddresses feature incorporated into the new GUI wallet version that will be released within the next few days
#BTC #Sumokoin $BTC $SUMO #privacy #Cryptocurrencies https://t.co/oCg1ORINqQ
26 Dec 2017, 18:43
Latest official update from Sumokoin development team (Author: Sumoshi Tanaka) 26/12/2017
#BTC #Sumokoin $BTC $sumokoin #privacy #CryptoCurrencies
Latest official update from Sumokoin development team (Author: Sumoshi Tanaka) 26/12/2017.Latest official update from Sumokoin development team (Author: Sumoshi Tanaka) 26/12/2017
#BTC #Sumokoin $BTC $sumokoin #privacy #CryptoCurrencies https://t.co/os2gnllHYg
24 Dec 2017, 17:00
From the developers and the community of Sumokoin, Merry Xmas to everyone !
Expecting the GUI wallet supporting subaddresses to be released with the next days (latest version of cli wallet binaries do already)
Join us on telegram at
$BTC $SUMO #Sumokoin
From the developers and the community of Sumokoin, Merry Xmas to everyone .From the developers and the community of Sumokoin, Merry Xmas to everyone !
Expecting the GUI wallet supporting subaddresses to be released with the next days (latest version of cli wallet binaries do already)
Join us on telegram at
$BTC $SUMO #Sumokoin
19 Dec 2017, 21:49
Many thanks for your support $SUMO $BTC
I’m currently tracking these coins. How about you and why?
Many thanks for your support $SUMO $BTC. I'm currently tracking these coins. How about you and why.Many thanks for your support $SUMO $BTC https://t.co/mZnrj9x0fo
I’m currently tracking these coins. How about you and why? https://t.co/DLBLOqrMeL
12 Dec 2017, 11:11
Tested and fully working vanity address generator can be found here
Official development and enhancement of cryptonote universal pool for Sumokoin is happening here
Comments and remarks are welcomed
$sumo $btc #Sumokoin #Bitcoin
Tested and fully working vanity address generator can be found here.Tested and fully working vanity address generator can be found here https://t.co/8IOtIns4C6
Official development and enhancement of cryptonote universal pool for Sumokoin is happening here
Comments and remarks are welcomed
$sumo $btc #Sumokoin #Bitcoin
11 Dec 2017, 07:17
Vanity address generator
$sumo $btc #sumokoin #bitcoin
Vanity address generator. $sumo $btc #sumokoin #bitcoin.Vanity address generator
$sumo $btc #sumokoin #bitcoin https://t.co/mu2RDcImdP
09 Dec 2017, 07:16
$sumo $btc #bitcoin #sumokoin
$sumo $btc #bitcoin #sumokoin.$sumo $btc #bitcoin #sumokoin https://t.co/qhkqFrYqHM
07 Dec 2017, 08:01
SumokoinWP-A WooCommerce extension for accepting Sumokoin
Our community has forked Woocommerce plugin so that wordpress e-shops can use it to accept Sumokoin as means of payment.
You can find it here.
Comments and reports are welcome $sumo $btc #sumokoin
SumokoinWP-A WooCommerce extension for accepting Sumokoin.SumokoinWP-A WooCommerce extension for accepting Sumokoin
Our community has forked Woocommerce plugin so that wordpress e-shops can use it to accept Sumokoin as means of payment.
You can find it here.
Comments and reports are welcome $sumo $btc #sumokoin
05 Dec 2017, 05:38
Sumokoin v0.2.0、コードネーム「Sapporo」は、完全な「サブアドレス」機能をサポートするためにリリースされました。
$sumo $btc #Bitcoin #sumokoin
Sumokoin v0. 0、コードネーム「Sapporo」は、完全な「サブアドレス」機能をサポートするためにリリースされました。. サブアドレスの生成とトランザクションをサポートするGUIウォレットは今月中にリリースされます。.Sumokoin v0.2.0、コードネーム「Sapporo」は、完全な「サブアドレス」機能をサポートするためにリリースされました。
$sumo $btc #Bitcoin #sumokoin
01 Dec 2017, 18:21
GUI wallet supporting Sub addresses generation and transactions will be released within this month
GUI wallet supporting Sub addresses generation and transactions will be released within this month.GUI wallet supporting Sub addresses generation and transactions will be released within this month
01 Dec 2017, 13:56
Sumokoin v0.2.0, code name Sapporo, has been released supporting full "Subaddresses" feature.
Until all exchanges and pools upgrade binaries to this version, you may be able to use subaddresses to:
- Withdraw coin from exchanges
- Receive coins mined sent by pools
Sumokoin v0. 0, code name Sapporo, has been released supporting full "Subaddresses" feature.Sumokoin v0.2.0, code name Sapporo, has been released supporting full "Subaddresses" feature.
Until all exchanges and pools upgrade binaries to this version, you may be able to use subaddresses to:
- Withdraw coin from exchanges
- Receive coins mined sent by pools
01 Dec 2017, 07:34
The next and final part of "Subaddresses" feature for Sumokoin has just been merged.
-Support transfer to multiple subaddresses or mix of standard + subaddresses
-Clean up code for better performance
An official ann and links to download the new binaries will follow
The next and final part of "Subaddresses" feature for Sumokoin has just been merged. Featuring.The next and final part of "Subaddresses" feature for Sumokoin has just been merged.
-Support transfer to multiple subaddresses or mix of standard + subaddresses
-Clean up code for better performance
An official ann and links to download the new binaries will follow
25 Nov 2017, 21:43
Join us on our official community telegram channel
For general discussion about the coin, to get support for any questions you might have, to discuss your mining experience with other miners, to talk with pool operators and so on.
$SUMO $BTC #bitcoin
Join us on our official community telegram channel.Join us on our official community telegram channel https://t.co/TDdfs3d0ol
For general discussion about the coin, to get support for any questions you might have, to discuss your mining experience with other miners, to talk with pool operators and so on.
$SUMO $BTC #bitcoin
25 Nov 2017, 17:31
Getting some exposure on Twitter is always a thrilling experience and really motivating for us. Having the feeling that hard work is rewarded can help. Thanks @bitcoin_dad @LegendOfCrypto @cryptomocho @ZeusZissou, and all of you who keep talking about us. $SUMO $BTC $XMR #bitcoin
Getting some exposure on Twitter is always a thrilling experience and really motivating for us.Getting some exposure on Twitter is always a thrilling experience and really motivating for us. Having the feeling that hard work is rewarded can help. Thanks @bitcoin_dad @LegendOfCrypto @cryptomocho @ZeusZissou, and all of you who keep talking about us. $SUMO $BTC $XMR #bitcoin https://t.co/GdreK6uGK2
24 Nov 2017, 18:24
Stay tuned as Subaddresses second and final part will be merged to master branch latest by next Thursday.
- Support sending to multiple subaddresses or mix of sub/primary addresses
- Improve scanning speed-stability
Binaries will be bumped to version v.0.2 code:Sapporo
Stay tuned as Subaddresses second and final part will be merged to master branch latest by next Thursday. Including.Stay tuned as Subaddresses second and final part will be merged to master branch latest by next Thursday.
- Support sending to multiple subaddresses or mix of sub/primary addresses
- Improve scanning speed-stability
Binaries will be bumped to version v.0.2 code:Sapporo
22 Nov 2017, 11:53
We are proud to announce that we have reached more than 200 members on Reddit ! Join the growing community right here : $SUMO #bitcoin #bitcoin $SUMO $XVG $XZC #anons #cryptocurrency
We are proud to announce that we have reached more than 200 members on Reddit .We are proud to announce that we have reached more than 200 members on Reddit ! Join the growing community right here : https://t.co/WEtINjP0xr $SUMO #bitcoin #bitcoin $SUMO $XVG $XZC #anons #cryptocurrency
20 Nov 2017, 07:31
Subaddresses the first stable part merged to master branch at Github
(Part 2): - Support sending to multiple subaddresses or mix of sub/normal addresses
- Improve scanning speed and stability
Expected release sate:Nov 30, 2017
$btc $bcc $sumo #cryptocurrency #Sumokoin
Subaddresses the first stable part merged to master branch at Github.Subaddresses the first stable part merged to master branch at Github
(Part 2): - Support sending to multiple subaddresses or mix of sub/normal addresses
- Improve scanning speed and stability
Expected release sate:Nov 30, 2017
$btc $bcc $sumo #cryptocurrency #Sumokoin
13 Nov 2017, 11:31
A full list of active Sumokoin pools can be found at ; your rig's performance can be checked at and don't forget to trade on @Cryptopia_NZ and @livecoin_net ! #bitcoin $BTC $XMR $SUMO $XVG $OTN
A full list of active Sumokoin pools can be found at .A full list of active Sumokoin pools can be found at https://t.co/aJjn6oeOi9 ; your rig's performance can be checked at https://t.co/SzLGU8oADS and don't forget to trade on @Cryptopia_NZ and @livecoin_net ! #bitcoin $BTC $XMR $SUMO $XVG $OTN
10 Nov 2017, 20:21
A leaked photo of a fellow $sumo - miner's rig. What does your setup look like? #mining #AltsAreBack $btc #HighVoltage
A leaked photo of a fellow $sumo - miner's rig. What does your setup look like. #mining #AltsAreBack $btc #HighVoltage.A leaked photo of a fellow $sumo - miner's rig. What does your setup look like? #mining #AltsAreBack $btc #HighVoltage https://t.co/PDdX9DLYTc